Thursday, November 6, 2008

The time has come to pay...

So due to conflicting schedules, I'm once again stuck at my bosses house for the night. We watch A LOT of political fact I cant even remember a time when I've been here and the TV hasnt been tuned to something political. "What about that time you guys watched SNL?", you ask? It was their Presidential Bash '08.

I think politics are interesting and I am glad that I am being "forced" in a sense to be exposed and saturated by them via my boss Steve, but at the same time they seem too rediculous to be real. They're incredibly complicated, dirty, and sleezy. People just outright make up shit about each other in a buissness that is entirely news covered and often televised. Often such blatant disreguard for the truth would instigate some sort of outcry, perhaps from the person being slandered; but in the realm of politics that doesnt seem to be the case. People appear to bend over and take a dick in the ass one day as to ensure they're able to politically rape their assailent sometime down the road. I think my overall attitude about politics is that it's a fascinating thing, but at the same time its just like an asshole; fuck it. ...Wait, what? Shit.

Holy shit I spoke too soon, my boss just turned on a PBS documentary about the Summer of Love; the gigantic hippy movement to San Fransisco in the 60s . I wish we would just smoke weed together already :-/. I'm sure somehow this documentary will turn into something political and I'll be forced to eat me words, but I suppose for now I should just bask in the glory that is hippies making dumb faces.

I had something else I wanted to talk about, but all this hippy shit is obviously melting my brain...I want to be a black panther.

Alright, time for a picture and a sign off. Get fucked.

Yosemite Granite Rock Face.

зниклих без вести великий диван

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